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  • The Resource Center honors staff for achieving national certification

    The Resource Center took time recently to honor 12 employees for achieving certification through the National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals.

    A celebration was held Wednesday at our Dunham Avenue building to honor those staff members who completed Direct Support Professional (DSP) III or Front Line Supervisor (FLS) certification during the fourth quarter of 2024:

    • DSP-III: Natasha Buchanan, Karri Frank, June Hillman, Tabatha Stenstrom
    • FLS: Laurie Berry, Amy Curtin, Becky Frederes, Lillian Gordon, Mike McCoy, Kim Overton, Jessica Ramirez, Phillip Sanborn

    Mark Constantino and Amy Curtin

    Joanne Bevan, Assistant Executive Director, welcomed people to the event. She noted that it takes a lot of time and work to achieve DSP-III and FLS certification. “We’re glad people see the importance of completing that.”

    “The role of a DSP is substantial, complex, and the skills involved are countless,” said Mark Constantino, Director of Site-Based Services. “Not only do you assist people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to attain their full potential, your national certification says you complete your job offering high-quality support.”

    “This is a true testament to you guys investing in your own careers,” Terri Johnson, Director of Employment and Community-Based Services, told the honorees.


    Terri Johnson and Tabatha Stenstrom


    “You make the world a better place for the people we’re here to support,” said Denise Jones, Chief Executive Officer.

    Kelly Dimitri, Chief Operating Officer, also congratulated the honorees and thanked them for their dedication.

    Two members of TRC’s Board of Directors, John Felton and Donna Haenggi, attended the luncheon. John joined the Board last year, and he congratulated the honorees while applauding TRC’s commitment to its employees.

    “The more I learn about TRC, the more impressed I am,” said John, adding he admires the way TRC supports its staff.


    Mark Constantino and June Hillman


    About 100 TRC employees have achieved NADSP certification. Many did so via a pilot project offered by NADSP and the New York State Office for People With Developmental Disabilities. Through the pilot, staff work toward national certification by taking courses in the NADSP’s E-Badge Academy for free.

    TRC is able to participate in the pilot because we’re a member of the Collaborative of NY, an agency composed of 11 chapters of The Arc New York.

    200 Dunham Avenue, Jamestown, NY, 14701