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  • Advocacy Alerts

    With so much going on in politics and the news we’ve decided to create a special section focusing on advocacy issues related to persons with disabilities and our organization.

    Here we’re collecting news and event stories that have an immediate impact on our community and the people we serve.

    It’s always a good time to advocate for your loved one. Please include your name in the fight to keep independence, choice, supports and critical services!

    If you’d like more information about any of these issues please feel free to contact us at your convenience. We thank you for your support!

    The Office of Management and Budget issued a memo late last night instructing all federal agencies, to the extent permissible ...

    For decades, New York state has not made adequate investments to sustain the essential programs and services people with intellectual ...

    The Ask  Contact your Senators and Representative today and urge them to reject any proposals that reduce federal Medicaid funding ...

    200 Dunham Avenue, Jamestown, NY, 14701