Supported Employment is founded on the belief that anyone can work if they are provided the right support. Individuals who have not traditionally participated in competitive employment based upon their disability are the primary focus of Supported Employment.
The expected outcome of Supported Employment is that individuals will maintain the appropriate level of employment (either full/part time) based upon their skills, interest and abilities
Supports for people with disabilities are individualized and include On-Site Job Coaching, designed to help ensure success and satisfaction at work.
Individuals are referred to Supported Employment provided by The Resource Center through ACCESS-VR.
Other ancillary supports provided in conjunction with Supported Employment can include: Coordination, scheduling and referrals for other services; addressing housing and family concerns. Supports related to review of budgeting and financial concerns including benefits management. Individuals can also be assisted with medical related referrals; travel training; crisis intervention and advocacy services.
In the event of a job loss, assessment of individuals’ needs and future supports will be done in coordination with the individual and members of their support system to devise a new plan of service. Depending on the circumstances, this could mean another job placement, formal schooling or job training, referral for other day services, or other support services as necessary and appropriate.
For more information please contact:
Terri Johnson, Director of Employment and Community-Based Services at 716-661-1433 or through email at [email protected]