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  • TRC raises money for Fredonia Fire Department

    Staff and residents of a home operated by The Resource Center recently donated more than $200 to the Fredonia Fire Department. The money represents the proceeds of an ongoing fund-raising effort by the home.

    To the joy of residents and staff, several Fredonia firefighters arrived via fire engine at TRC’s home on Water Street. Firefighters posed for photographs with the home’s residents before climbing aboard the engine and heading back to the station.

    “Thanks for the donation,” Fire Chief Ryan Walker told the residents as they presented him with a check for $221.

    The money was raised by collecting redeemable beverage containers and turning them in for the 5-cent deposit. Michael McCoy, the home’s Manager, said the project was part of a larger initiative at The Resource Center to have each of TRC’s homes and day programs support a community organization or a charitable cause.

    “Each home was challenged to come up with a community event,” Mike said. “Ours was to collect redeemable bottles. Two hundred dollars was the goal.”

    He said that, for several reasons, it made sense to raise money in support of the local fire department. Mike himself belongs to the Mayville Fire Department, and he said several of the home’s residents have relatives who are firefighting personnel.

    “We have a great love of fire service,” Mike said.

    He added that Phyllis Jones, a parent of one of the home’s residents and a former member of The Resource Center’s Board of Directors, is a Fredonia village trustee with oversight responsibility for the fire department. Mike said that, besides the home’s staff, Phyllis contributed the most beverage containers toward the fund-raising effort.

    “There’s a wonderful connection between Phyllis’ connection to The Resource Center and Phyllis’ connection to the fire department,” Mike said.

    Phyllis said that once she became aware of the fund-raising effort last year, she began saving her redeemable bottles and bringing them to the home. She was thrilled that the home decided to donate the money to the fire department.

    “It was a nice gesture,” she said.

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    Members of the Fredonia Fire Department pose with folks from The Resource Center’s home on Water Street. Pictured with firefighters are, from left, residents Andrea Nalepa, Kevin Pratt and Gretchen Holser; Michael McCoy, the home’s Manager; and resident David Gawronski.


    200 Dunham Avenue, Jamestown, NY, 14701