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  • Tell Congress: Care Can’t Wait!

    People with disabilities rely on Medicaid home and community-based services (HCBS) to live independently in their communities. HCBS help people with disabilities with everyday support, like getting around the community, employment supports, dressing, bathing, taking medication, and much more!

    But due to the fact that Medicaid must fund institutions, and home and community-based services are optional, states don’t have the funding to support everyone in the community. This means that:

    • Over 650,000 people are stuck on waiting lists,
    • Direct care workers are underpaid due to stagnant wages, and
    • Too often unpaid family caregivers are filling in the gaps in service – it’s a crisis! 

    We need Congress to take action NOW.

    Tell your members of Congress to support the HCBS Relief Act, which will mandate these supports and services in Medicaid—because #CareCantWait!

    Take Action Here!

    200 Dunham Avenue, Jamestown, NY, 14701