The Resource Center was awarded $29,282 in grants from the Trustee Management Board of NYSARC Trust Services to support TRC’s Guardianship and Recreation programs in 2024.
NYSARC Trust Services administers supplemental needs trusts and pooled trusts that improve the lives of people with disabilities by enabling them to maintain eligibility for Medicaid and other means-tested government benefit programs. For 2024, NYSARC Trust Services fulfilled its commitment to enhancing the lives of people with disabilities by awarding $2,697,508 to chapters of The Arc New York statewide.
The Resource Center received $15,150 to provide guardianship services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities who would not otherwise have a legal guardian or advocate. Supported by staff and community volunteers, The Resource Center’s Guardianship Program provides guardianship supports and services to three people and is ready to assist one more person as an alternate standby guardian. TRC’s Guardianship Program supports these people by giving them a sense of family and belonging, conducting person-centered planning and advocating on their behalf. TRC’s Guardianship Committee oversees their care and assists with making critical medical decisions.
Besides the grant money, there is no funding for TRC’s Guardianship Program. As a result, The Resource Center relies on financial support from families, particularly the families of those for whom TRC serves as standby guardian. For more information about the Guardianship Program, phone 716-483-2344.
Guardianship Committee member Kathy Roehm spends quality time with Kacey, one of the people for whom TRC serves as guardian.
In addition to the guardianship money, NYSARC Trust Services awarded The Resource Center $14,132 to support recreational opportunities for more than 100 people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Uses of the money included attending a Jamestown Tarp Skunks baseball game and the Gerry Rodeo; visiting the National Comedy Center and Chautauqua Institution; and going to the Buffalo Zoo, the Erie Zoo, and Waldemeer Park & Water World. Funds also were used to cover the cost of having a disc jockey at The Resource Center’s monthly dances. A moderate portion of the grant was used to buy sensory supplies to support people with behavioral challenges while they attend TRC’s Day Services.
“The 2024 funding was appreciated, and it did indeed offer the opportunity for people to continue to engage in community-based activities,” said Mark Constantino, TRC’s Director of Program Operations for Site-Based Services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Attending a Jamestown Tarp Skunks baseball game provided an opportunity to pose for a photo with the team’s mascot, Whiffy.
NYSARC Trust Services has administered supplemental needs trusts since 1972, helping thousands of people with disabilities protect their eligibility for government benefits and improve their quality of life. NYSARC Trust Services’ programs give people with disabilities the opportunity to remain in their communities with greater comfort and independence while providing peace of mind to their families and loved ones.
NYSARC Trust Services administers first- and third-party pooled supplemental needs trusts to help families plan for the future of a loved one with a disability, preserve income and assets for Medicaid planning purposes and long-term care, and protect unexpected monetary windfalls. To learn more, phone 518-439-8323 or visit