General Membership Meeting and Election
Monday, June 10, 2024, 6:00pm | Michael J. Raymond Center, 75 Jones & Gifford Ave., Jamestown NY
About the Candidates

Timothy Adam retired after a 30-year career at SKF. He is the President of Affinity One Federal Credit Union and a Trustee at Kidder United Methodist Church. Tim coaches Special Olympics golf, swimming and floor hockey, and he is a founding member of the Lakewood Area Buddy Walk to support people with Down syndrome. He serves on the planning committee for TRC’s monthly dances at the Dunham Avenue building. He has a daughter who receives supports from The Resource Center. Tim has served on TRC’s Board since 2020.

Doug Anderson has been involved with The Resource Center for more than 40 years. He started out working at our Jamestown manufacturing center, and over the years he also worked on our Environmental Services cleaning crew. Even though he’s now retired, Doug has taken a role working with the team that interviews people who have applied for positions as Direct Support Professionals at The Resource Center. Additionally, Doug has lived in TRC residences for about four decades. He serves on our Human Rights Committee. Doug has served on TRC’s Board since 2020.

Marie Carrubba, Esq., is the Executive Director of the Southwestern Independent Living Center. Long an active community volunteer, Marie is a member of the Jamestown Community College Board of Trustees; serves on the Chautauqua County Workforce Investment Board; chairs the Board of Community Services; serves on the Jamestown Board of Public Utilities; and is a Board member of the Fenton History Center. Marie first served on TRC’s Board from 1989 to 2000 and was Chair from 1997 to 2000. She also has served as Secretary and Vice Chair. She was reelected to the Board in 2010. She has been involved with TRC since 1983. Marie received our Lifetime Achievement Award in 2009, our Humanitarian of the Year Award in 2000 and our Advocate of the Year Award in 1993.

Dawn Columbare, DNP, retired from Jamestown Community College after a career in which she served as Professor and Director of Nursing. Following retirement, she was a national nursing education consultant. Active in the community, she serves on the Board of Directors and Board of Trustees for The Creche, Inc. She is a longtime member of Zion Covenant Church, where she served in many roles including Chair of the Leadership Team. Dawn chairs the Lily's Hope and Birthing Kit committees of Zonta International and sits on a Scholarship Committee for the Chautauqua Region Community Foundation. She also serves on the Chautauqua County Board of Health. She was elected to TRC’s Board in 2017.

Richard Erickson is the Director of Accounting for Chautauqua Institution and the Athenaeum Hotel. Professionally, Dick is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the New York State Society of CPAs. He has served on the advisory committee of the Southwest Chapter of the American Red Cross. Dick has served on TRC’s Board since 2015.

Lisa Goodell is the retired Executive Director of the Chautauqua Blind Association. She is the Secretary of the Rotary Club of Jamestown and Secretary of the Rotary Club’s Community Service Fund. Lisa also is the Treasurer on the Creche Board of Directors; is a member of the Chautauqua Striders Board of Directors; and serves on the Finance Committee of Court Appointed Special Advocates in Chautauqua County. She was elected to TRC’s Board in 2019 and serves on our Special Incident Review Committee.

Robert Goold is a retired teacher, coach and athletic director with Frewsburg High School. Bob serves on the Board of the Jamestown Area YMCA. He is an Emergency Medical Technician with the Bemus Point Volunteer Fire Department and teaches first-aid skills to coaches. Bob volunteers at St. Susan's Center and the National Comedy Center. He has a son who receives supports from TRC. Bob was elected to the Board in 2022.

John Felton is the Chief Executive Officer of Southern Chautauqua Federal Credit Union. Active in community service, John is the Treasurer of the Chautauqua County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. He volunteers with the United Way of Southern Chautauqua County and has served on the Chautauqua County Education Coalition. He also is the Treasurer of the New York State Coalition of CDFIs and is a past Chair of the New York Credit Union Foundation. John became involved with The Resource Center through our Invest U anti-poverty program and decided to take an active role with our organization. In part because of his efforts with Invest U, John received our 2023 Bruce Walford Community Service Award. He serves on our Manufacturing, Employment and Community Relations Board Advisory Committee.

Donna Haenggi is a retired secretary and receptionist, and for many years she volunteered with Special Olympics. She has been volunteering with The Resource Center since the early 1990s. Her late husband, Bill, was also a longtime TRC volunteer and Board member, and they both served as TRC delegates to The Arc New York’s annual convention several times. We presented them with our Lifetime Achievement Award in 2018. They have a son who receives supports from TRC, and all three have helped to organize our monthly dances. Donna is a member of the Board of Bethel Lutheran Church. She served on TRC’s Board from 2013 to 2019, and after a one-year absence she was elected to the Board in 2020.

Todd Jacobson, MD, is the Medical Director for Occupational Health at UPMC Chautauqua. Todd is a member of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine and the New York College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Locally, he is a past Board member of the Boys and Girls Club of Jamestown and the Jamestown Safety Council, and he plays trumpet with the Jamestown Municipal Band and the Pearl City Big Jazz Band. Todd has been a member of TRC’s Board since 2003, serving as Chair from 2012 to 2015. He has a daughter who receives supports from The Resource Center.

Barbara Stewart is retired as a Sales Merchandiser with Kraft Foods and has been involved with The Resource Center for more than 30 years. Barb is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, is active in her church and is a Poll Site Coordinator with the Chautauqua County Board of Elections. She serves as Secretary/Treasurer of Chautauqua Connections, Inc., and serves on the Board of Community Inclusion Inc. She has a son who has received supports from TRC for many years. Barb served on TRC’s Board from 2003-2010, then again from 2012-18, including one year as Vice Chair. She was elected to the Board again in 2022.
Nominating Committee

Kathy Field worked for The Resource Center for 39 years before retiring in 2021. She helped out with many of our special events over the years and was named our Volunteer of the Year in 2006. Kathy cared deeply for people with disabilities, and she served as the Correspondent for some people living in our homes. She has served on the Nominating Committee for one year.

Laurie Goold She has served on the Nominating Committee for one year.

Mary Jo Hamilton worked for The Resource Center for 40 years before retiring in 2021. Mary Jo spent much of her career working at our Intermediate Care Facility on Foote Avenue, and for her last six years at TRC she was our Director of Intellectual and Developmental Disability Services. Her knowledge, wisdom and experience are invaluable. She has served on the Nominating Committee for one year.

Carole Johnson has volunteered for The Resource Center and Special Olympics for many years. Carole was our Advocate of the Year in 2004, and in 1999 she and her late husband, John, were our Volunteers of the Year. Carole, who has a son who receives supports from TRC, has served on our Board of Directors on multiple occasions. She has been a member of the Nominating Committee for two years.

Gregory Krauza is Business Solutions Specialist at Twinstar Solutions. Greg first began volunteering at The Resource Center more than 50 years ago, and he remains closely connected to TRC. He has served on the Boards of The Resource Center and TRC Foundation. In 2011, Greg received our Bruce Walford Community Service Award in recognition of his efforts in support of the annual basketball tournament we used to hold. Greg is active in other community organizations, and he is a past Mayor of the City of Dunkirk. He has a brother who receives supports from TRC. Greg has served on the Nominating Committee for two years.