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  • Annual Meeting and Election to be held remotely July 13

    In accordance with its by-laws, The Resource Center hereby announces its General Membership Meeting and Election will be held Monday, July 13. Due to safety concerns caused by COVID-19, the meeting will be held via telephone and videoconference.

    The event will begin at 5:00. All Active Members of The Resource Center who are in good standing are invited to participate in the meeting and to vote in the election and on any business items that may arise. To be considered in good standing, one must have made a contribution of $10 or more to The Resource Center or Filling the Gap, Inc., since June 13, 2019.

    If interested in attending the meeting, please contact Selina Phillips at (716) 661-1412 or [email protected] to obtain the access information for the meeting. All Active Members in good standing who are unable to attend the meeting may vote in the election online. Click here to cast your vote.

    The tentative meeting agenda is as follows:

    1. Presentation – “TRC Staff and Self-Advocates Stay Active During the Pandemic”
    2. Approval of the minutes of the 2019 General Membership Meeting
    3. President’s Report – Patricia Perlee
    4. Treasurer’s Report – Craig Colburn
    5. Executive Director’s Report – Denise Jones
    6. Election of Board of Directors Officers and Members
    7. Recognition of outgoing Directors Alan Richards, Timothy Roche and Jennifer Yost

    The Nominating Committee — composed of Debbie Brown, Chair; Wayne Hotelling; Julie McCarthy; Rita Monaco; and Sharon Richards — has proposed the following candidates for Officers and Directors of the Board of The Resource Center, as well as candidates to serve on the Nominating Committee for the 2021 Election:

    Officers (one-year term)
    President — Patricia Perlee
    Vice President — Richard Erickson
    Secretary — Marie Carrubba, Esq.
    Treasurer — Craig Colburn

    Directors (two-year term)
    Tim Adam
    Doug Anderson
    Donna Haenggi
    Todd Jacobson, MD
    Rebeca Hamlet Kapple
    Richard Kimball
    Wayne Ormsby

    Nominating Committee
    Wayne Hotelling
    June Jacobson
    Jennifer Liuzzo
    Julie McCarthy

    For more information or to indicate you plan to attend the meeting, phone (716) 483-2344.

    If you have not yet paid your 2020 TRC Membership dues, click here to make a secure, online payment. Your membership demonstrates your commitment to The Resource Center’s mission. In these challenging times, your support of TRC is extremely important.

    200 Dunham Avenue, Jamestown, NY, 14701