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  • Call to Action: Address the Critical Workforce Shortage

    Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) are essential workers who provide daily care, services and supports to people with intellectual and developmentally disabilities (I/DD) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Caring for people with complex needs is a rewarding yet challenging job, which requires ongoing training, high-level of responsibility, and skill.  

    We are calling on Congress, NYS Legislature, and Governor Hochul to:

    • Establish a new Direct Support Wage Enhancement (DSWE) as part of the SFY 2024 New York State budget to help bring direct care workforce compensation closer to what they deserve
    • Include the statuary COLA in the NYS Enacted Budget, which stands at 8.5% for FY24
    • Ensure that OPWDD commits to an acuity-based rate methodology that fully compensates providers on par with state operated programs.
    • Create and fund a permanent joint credential and career ladder program for DSPs, implement a multi-tiered credential program for DSPs tied to increased pay for people completing each tier, and open up career pipelines from high school to the DSP workforce with certification.

    With just a few clicks you can directly send our representatives a message by using this online form. You may customize who you are in the first paragraph as you see fit (parent, self-advocate, caretaker, supporter, etc.).


    200 Dunham Avenue, Jamestown, NY, 14701